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The 4th Meteor Ho Chi Minh Meetup Review

DSV Universe   -  

September 19, 2016

Table of Contents

At our 4th Meteor Ho Chi Minh Meetup, which took place on 17th September 2016. We were able to welcome more than 30 people, with speakers from Designveloper and Harvey Nash.

Everyone was keen on listening to different experiences and getting to know various problems faced. For those of you who couldn’t make it, here’s the review:

A Look Back on What We Had Done

So there you have it, these are the kinds of meetups happening last Saturday. Sounds like a good time, doesn’t it?

What Attendants Talked About During the Meetup

We got some positive feedback as well as invaluable advice on how to improve the quality of meetup.

Nhat Bui – a developer – said that we had a great demo. However, we shouldn’t have gone deep into technical because of the time limit. We highly appreciated all of your feedback and will use it to evaluate changes and make improvements in our next meetup.

We also had a short interview with Aram Zadikian, he congratulated us on our successful meetup with nice topics and expressed that he would love to be one of our speakers at the upcoming event. I will have other blogs for those topics of the meetup for you to easily follow. But now just have a look at slides on these topics:

  • Latest Meteor News:

1. Son Le: The Living Linter of Designveloper | Stars At DSV Universe
2. Duong Tran: "I Just Want to Influence as Many People as Possible" | Stars At DSV Universe
3. Nhu Nguyen: She’s Pretty, She’s Talented, She’s Our... BA!

  • Microservices with senecajs:

I hope that you can come out and join us next time! If you are not a member of the Meteor Ho Chi Minh Meetup group, swing by here and join today! We usually meet once a month. If you want to apply to speak at a future event, let us know!

Let’s join us on:

For more information, feel free to contact us via:

Looking forward to seeing you again in the near future. 😉

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