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How to Increase Web Conversion Rate?

Design World   -  

April 13, 2017

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If you are wondering what conversion rate is, it’s the percentage of visitors to your site who actually take action that you desire them to take, whatever your call to action may be (e.g., make a purchase, sign-up to receive information, join an e-mail list, etc.)

When potential customers found your business, the next step they do is to visit your website to consider whether they should purchase your services or products or not. Your website will be their first impression. And as I said all the time, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

The 6 Factors on How to Increase Web Conversion Rate

the most common website conversion mistakes

But, sadly not many people realize how vital that is. Some of them are overspending on their website, and others are underspending and have no idea what they’re doing. Tons of websites out there are poorly designed or come straight from a template, which does not bring any to their business any benefits.
Worse, these mistakes might actually be lowering the conversion rate and revenue of their website without them knowing it.

So, in today’s post, I’m going to walk you through some of the most common website conversion mistakes people make while designing their websites. Let’s get started…

1. It Takes Forever for Your Site to Load

“Wait a minute”. “Minute” sounds fast, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, in the web design world, believe it or not, you just have no more than about three seconds to win prospects over.

“A single second delay in your website loading time can result in a 7% loss in conversion, and 40% of web users will abandon a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load”.

According to Hosting Facts

Slow page load time is one of those crucial factors that kill your website conversions. Nobody likes waiting for so long. There are tons of other options available out there, why would they waste their time waiting for your page to load?

If they really need to visit your website then they might be a little patient, but if they’re just curious or have clicked a link on impulse then they’re more likely to leave right away. This means that you lost a potential customer before they actually see your website.

Recommended reading: 5 Reasons Why Visitors Leave Your Website in 10 Seconds

2. Conversion Rate – Call to action is missing

Many people don’t realize that their website is the most powerful marketing tool ever. It could be to gain readers, add subscribers, sell products, or influence readers to download something from your site.

However, the lack of clear call-to-action buttons on a website will waste such opportunities to quickly turn visitors into potential customers.
Therefore, make your CTA as obvious and as easy for potential clients as possible to take the next step.

Truth be told, strong Call-To-Actions increase visitor conversion rates by a tremendous amount so why is this missing? You don’t want your website to be just an “online business card”, do you?

Recommended reading: 7 Key Elements of a modern Successful Website

1. Helvetica Neue Font: Download and Improve UI of Your Mobile Apps
2. The Product Design Process: A 6-Step Guide
3. 10 Modern Website Design Examples: A Complete Guide

3. You Forgot About the Mobile

We all knew that mobile web browsing had overtaken desktops nowadays. So, don’t you tell me that your visitors still have to do the “pinch and swipe” to get around your website? Oh please, it’s almost 2017, having a responsive design is no longer just a really good idea; it’s a must.

So, if your website is not responsive, then obviously, you will not be able to target the tab and mobile users.

4. Anywhere They Go and Follow Them Down

Do not scare off prospective customers by overwhelming them with too many ads. I know advertisements can make your money grow but this doesn’t mean you can put it anywhere you like or prioritize it over the content. What you need to do is not only limit the number of ads but also determine the place where they should be displayed. Remember, do not show ads as the first thing visitors see, especially do not let them take up more of your site’s real estate than the content.

5. Your Website Lacks Catchy Images

The old saying “a picture paints a thousand words” still remains true today.
You know we are all visual creatures reveling in images.

Just a large, single stunning image will be quickly able to grab more and more of the user’s attention. If you lack images on your website, or if your images are too small, it’s a sign that customers find your website boring.

Recommended reading: 7 Warning Signs Your Website Lose Visitors

6. Poor Navigation

Navigation helps visitors to reach your products or services after they arrive on your website. That’s why if you want to stand out from the crowd, good navigation is the key factor you need to take care of. Navigation isn’t necessary to be complicated.

It should be easy to identify and easy to use. Remember, people want convenience, not a challenge. The easier it is for people to use and navigate throughout your site, the longer they are likely to interact with it.

Is It Time for a New Website?

Don’t think that once your website is finished, it never needs to be touched again and your job is done. Remember, time flies fast. Things change. People changes. No matter how awesome your website is, no one is going to be interested in it forever if it’s still the same with the passing of time.

To avoid looking outdated and old-fashioned, your site needs to be updated regularly. Additionally, updated content encourages people to return to check out something new. So don’t be a conservative one that gets left behind by not changing!

Recommended reading: The Most Useful Web Design Tools for Designers


There are tons of website conversion mistakes out there but these are the most common and the worst. Have you ever heard the saying: “The devil is in the details”? So, well, keep an eye on even the simplest one because it’s the little things that can make or break your whole website design.

While your website essentially represents your business’s face, why don’t you take the time to make it shine? Want help getting your website to sparkle? Talk to our team Designveloper to see just what we can do for you!

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