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The Role of Sociological Imagination in Web Development

Website Development   -  

June 26, 2023

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Every Thanksgiving, families cook a turkey. Have you ever wondered how all this started? What happened for during the first Thanksgiving? And why do we continue to celebrate today? A lot of innocent turkeys have lost their lives. And, most people never take time to do their research and ask critical questions. This is what sociological imagination is all about. Imagination should never be taken for granted especially when it comes to transforming the society. If this topic is too complex for you, don’t fret. I am going to simplify it to help you understand and focus on improving other peoples’ lives.

Importance of sociological imagination in web development

What is the sociological imagination?

It revolves around thinking about the society and the world. It is focused on helping societies advance through thinking and taking action. Sociological imagination is made up of two words. By simply defining these two words we get the result – thinking about the existing norms in the society and coming up with newer and more effective ones.

Societal imagination encourages individuals to think about life beyond the individual level. It helps us learn about our culture and how it’s evolving. Your behaviors and habits are the results of being molded by societal norms and the close people in your circle. If you want to use sociological imagination, you need to analyze the actions that you take and look at things broadly. You need to start looking for sociology essay examples to understand this concept better and achieve your academic goals. Thanks to technology, you can easily find a free service online with lots of essay samples that will allow you to hire a professional essay writer.

Importance of sociological imagination in web development

One of the benefits of sociological imagination is it helps you focus on the wellbeing of the society Here is an example: You want to create a website that will help you market your products and services. Instead of focusing on the revenue you’ll generate or the amazing people that you’ll meet along the way, you’ll focus on providing high quality services to improve other peoples’ lives.

You can focus on improving user interface, enhancing accessibility, or creating an email template that will inspire users to take action. If you’ll be releasing a new product or providing a service through its website, sociological imagination will help you look into a wide range of issues that the product might face and anticipate them before the release happens.

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Another great example is creating a website that suits people with disabilities. In most cases, web developers never think of creating a site that can look into the needs of such people in the society. In most instances, this leads to poor customer service and loss of revenue. Consider the number of people living with disabilities who’ll have to experience hardship while using the site. When you start analyzing sites and asking critical questions, you’ll easily come up with ways to solve common problems experienced regularly. There are a lot of sociological imagination examples today.

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Applying sociological imagination to your life

One of the best things about sociological imagination is you don’t have to be trained to use it. You don’t have to be a scholar or an avid reader in this field to understand it. All you should do is start looking at things differently. You can easily train yourself by forming the habit of asking questions about behaviors that most people perceive to be normal. This could be celebrating a holiday, feeling bad about being employed, or marrying for love to name a few. What is normal to you or in your country might not be normal in a foreign destination.


Sociological imagination revolves around thinking about the things that we usually do differently. And how the things we do not only affect us but also the society. You don’t need to study this subject for years to become better at it. Start asking relevant and critical questions about the norms. Don’t accept something just because the people around you are comfortable with it.

In web development, you don’t have to copy what others are doing. Start your computer and review several sites that are performing well on the search engine. And then look at yours.  Think of new ways to make a difference. Work on the user interface, improve the quality of products or services that you want to provide, and come up with beautiful templates.

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