Android Software Development: Understanding the Lifecycle of an Android App

Welcome to the world of Android software development. As one of the best web & software development companies in Vietnam, we at Designveloper would be delighted to introduce you to the wonderful process of learning about the Android application development life cycle.
For instance, do you know that as of 2023, there were over 2 million apps on Google Play Store? Or that Android dominated the smartphone operating system market with 70 percent plus in 2022? These great figures reveal the tremendous demand and relevance of Android software development in the modern world.
In this article, we will explore the life cycle of an Android application, an important part of the Android software development process. Let us illustrate some of these points from our own experience at Designveloper and supported by reports and statistics.
Understanding Android Software Development
Let’s dive into the heart of our topic: Android software development. This is a realm that is replete with innovation and possibilities, which is an indispensable part of the contemporary digital landscape.
Android software development is an exciting and constantly changing industry because of the rapidly growing demands of the customer and the emergence of new technologies. It entails the generation, designing, implementation, and maintenance of all applications installed in Android devices.

JavaScript which was ranked as the most used programming language in 2023 is commonly used in android software development. This tool is employed by approximately 65% of software developers. This fact proves the statement that in this field, developers use a great number of tools and languages.
In the following sections, we will provide more details on how an Android app goes through its life cycle, which is a significant aspect of the Android software development process. Therefore, join us as we embark on this roller coaster ride of learning.
Explanation of what Android software development entails
Android software development is not a stagnant process, it has been growing from time to time to satisfy the user demand and new technologies. It is the development, design, implementation and maintenance of software to run only on the Android platform.
Currently, as has been stated, the official Google Play Store has over 2.6 million apps. These were applications, products of Android software development, which were downloaded a record 113 billion times. Such figures therefore reveal the importance and potential market for Android software development.
Programming languages, including JavaScript, the most used language in 2023, are common in Android software development. Approximately 65% of software developers reported using it. This fact demonstrates the versatility of the tools and languages used by developers in this subject area.
Presently, the most popular type of software development is application development, which creates software applications that run on personal computer operating systems to perform specific tasks. As smartphones are being used more frequently, mobile app development – the process of creating a mobile app for the use on mobile devices – is also becoming common. And a large portion of developers use Android and iOS as mobile operating systems.
Why Android software development crucial for businesses and developers
Why is the development of Android applications important for business and software developers? Let’s delve into this.
Firstly, Android software development increases market coverage. As of the first quarter of 2023, Android has a global market share of 71.44%. This dominance is even more prevalent in the developing markets. For instance, in India, Android accounted for a mind-blowing 95% market share in 2022. Such figures give an indication of the possibility and the potential of Android software development in reaching out to the massive market.
Secondly, Android software development increases customer satisfaction. Android apps are convenient for the communication with the clients and establishment of strong long term relationships due to the direct interaction with the target audience.
Thirdly, it can be pointed out that Android software development enhances operation effectiveness. Android build systems like Gradle which helps in increasing the speed of the app development process. This efficiency makes it easier to deploy apps and this is some good news to most businesses since they will be able to deploy their apps faster than their competitors.
In the last analysis, it can be said that the development of software for Android is relatively inexpensive. Android also has relatively cheaper end devices and hardware along with open source tools and systems making it a preferred choice for many businesses.
Why Understanding the Android Software Development Lifecycle is Important
Now, let’s delve into the valuable Android software development lifecycle.
In the context of Android software engineering, the lifecycle of an application determines the sequence of states an application goes through from the time it is started to the time it is terminated. Understanding these elements makes sure that your app functions in the expected manner, retains the users’ information and is efficient in its use of system resources.
Understanding Android’s activity life cycle is one of the most important skills that any android programmer should possess. If we consider the different callbacks of the application’s lifecycle, and follow the best practices, we can develop robust, interactive, and efficient applications.
The benefits of understanding the lifecycle in Android software development
There are several advantages of learning the lifecycle in Android software development. Now let us discuss these benefits.
Firstly, it contributes to the development of high-quality, effective, and stable Android applications that can be easily used. However, lifecycle events can be easily managed by using Kotlin and Android Architecture Components where developers can identify the lifecycle states. This management helps to avoid problems and make the transitions and the user experience better.
Secondly, understanding of the life cycle helps in creating reliable, reactive, and friendly applications. Managing the activity lifecycle properly helps to achieve the goal of providing users with optimal experience on various devices and configurations.
Thirdly, following the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology enhances the final result. The concept of life cycle as applied to IT was first used in the 1950s and 1960s to refer to the process of creating a new computer system. It is used to describe any process in the development of any sort of software, at any phase of the process.
Finally, the concept of lifecycle in Android software development enables the identification of the roles of the right people at the various stages of the development process. It is therefore important to follow a structured approach when developing software since this will enhance the success of the project. The benefits of SDLC include the following: One is that it gives a clear picture of your requirements and the purpose of the software.
How the Android software development lifecycle leads to efficient and user-friendly apps
Understanding the lifecycle in Android software development helps to develop better applications in the following ways:
Firstly, it enables efficient use of resources. The lifecycle is useful to control resources such as the camera, GPS, or network connections when necessary. This optimization not only improves battery life but also avoids memory leaks.

Secondly, it gives the uninterrupted user experience. By storing and retrieving the user’s state (e. g. , form data, scroll position) as they move through your app, the lifecycle guarantees a seamless user experience.
Thirdly, it enables the app to incorporate the changes in the system. For example, it is used to control the app’s behavior when the device is rotated or when another app is launched.
In fact, you should be aware of the activity lifecycle even if you are working with Jetpack Compose and the single-activity architecture. Compose elements are associated with an activity, and lifecycle callbacks continue to influence some aspects of your application.
6 Stages of the Lifecycle of an Android App
Let’s now delve into the core of Android software development: the six phases of the Android apps development life cycle.
In the context of Android software applications, the application life cycle is a set of states that an application goes through at its runtime from the moment it starts its execution to the moment it is stopped. These stages are: Create, Start, Resume, Pause, Stop, and Destroy.
The “Create” stage is the initial stage of the Android app development life cycle. This is where the power of Android software development lies.
In this stage, the app is developed and the resources are identified and provided. It’s like putting in the groundwork of a building. Like the foundation is essential for the stability of the building, the “Create” stage is critical for the app.
The onCreate() method in Kotlin is used for initialization of the application. This setup includes tasks like inflating the layout and initializing variables. For example, if you are developing a weather application, this is the stage at which the application’s layout is created and the variables used to hold the weather information are declared.
It is important to understand the “Create” stage when developing Android software. It assists the developers in making certain that the application launches and runs with no hitches.
The second stage is known as the “Start” stage in the lifecycle of an Android app. This is the stage in Android software development where the application acquires a look and feel by the user.
In the “Start” state, onStart() method is invoked. This method is commonly used to bring the app to the front of the screen. For instance, if you are creating an application for streaming music, this is the level where you show the controls such as play, pause, and next button.
The “Start” stage is one of the most significant ones in the context of the development of Android software. It assists the developers to know that the app is fit for user interactions.
Resume is yet another crucial phase of the lifecycle of an Android app. This is the stage in Android software development where the application is fully operational and available for users to interact with.
When the application is on the screen and is actually performing its tasks, it is in the onResume() state. This state is the initial state of animations, the starting point to begin using sensors, and the state from which to obtain needed resources. For example, if you are creating a game app, this is the time to start animating the game and setting up controls for the game if any.
It is important to understand the flow of the “Resume” stage in Android software development. It aids in confirming that the application is ready for use by the users.
The “Pause” stage refers to another important phase in the life cycle of an Android application. This stage in the Android software development life cycle is where the app becomes eclipsed but is still partially obscured.

When an activity is not active but can still be seen, like if a dialog box is on top of the activity, it goes into the onPause() state. For instance if you are creating a video streaming application, then this is the phase where the video is stopped when the user goes to another application.
Android software development requires comprehension of the “Pause” stage. It allows developers to make sure that the application does what it is expected to do when it is not in focus.
The “Stop” stage is an important cycle in the life cycle of an Android application. This is the stage in Android software development where the application is not easily accessible by the user.
The onStop() state is reached when an activity is no longer visible to the user. This state is good to freeze animations, free objects or perform heavy CPU operations. For instance, if you are creating a video streaming app for a smartphone, this is the point at which the video will be stopped and the network connection would be closed when the user navigates to a different application.
The “Stop” stage is important in Android software development, as it helps developers to guarantee that the application interacts with the environment in the right way when it is not active.
The last step in the lifecycle of Android application is the “Destroy” stage. This stage in Android software development is where the app is destroyed, and all the memory is freed up.
The onDestroy() state occurs when the app is no longer used or when the user closes the app purposely. This state is where the app no longer occupies memory and all resources are freed from it. For instance, if you are creating a music streaming application, this is the stage at which you would let go of the media player assets.
Evaluating the “Destroy” stage is a must in Android software development because it enables developers to guarantee that an application performs optimally when it is not being utilized.
FAQs: Designveloper’s Android Software Development Services
Welcome to the “FAQs: Designveloper’s Android Software Development Services” section of our article on Android software development and the lifecycle of an Android app. As one of the top software development companies in Vietnam, Designveloper would like to express our knowledge and working experience in the development of Android software.
In this section, we will address some of the most common questions related to Designveloper’s Android software development services. Using our knowledge base and up-to-date statistics and data we will answer all questions in detail but understandable form.
What is the Android Software Development Process at Designveloper?
The Android software development process at Designveloper entails a strict and systematic approach. Here’s a look at the key steps in our process:Here’s a look at the key steps in our process:
Gathering and Analysis
The specifications are gathered and assessed from clients to determine the need and purpose of the app. This is a way to define features, technical specifications, and costs associated with the execution of a project.
UI/UX Design
We design wireframes and detailed user interfaces. This stage also ensures that the developed app has a consistent look and feel across the screens.
Programming and Development:
- Front-End Programming: This is done to ensure that the app is easily usable, interesting and has pleasant graphics. Android can be developed using Kotlin or Java programming languages and frameworks, and cross-platform tools like flutter or react native.
- Back-End Programming: We supply the front-end with the necessary data, process it, and ensure its proper usage for displaying information and performing functions. Languages that are common to be used include Node. js, Python, Ruby, PHP or Java; server services, databases and API.
- API Integration: Front-End and Back-End work together as separate layers and communicate through APIs (Application Programming Interface). The Front-End makes requests to the Back-End through the API and the Back-End receives these requests, processes them, then sends back the information or response that the Front-End needs to present to the user.
- Synchronous Development: Front-End and Back-End can be worked on at the same time depending on the specific project and programmers often work side by side to make sure that the app is coherent and runs well.
During the development process, we perform unit testing to check whether each small part of the app is correct or not, and integration testing to determine whether the developed components can run seamlessly with each other. We also do User Acceptance Testing where we provide the app to a number of users to use and test prior to official release.
Deployment and Release
We perform all the required steps to get the application published and made available in the Apple Store and Google Play Store. This is followed by post-release evaluation of the app’s performance and response given to consumers as a way of enhancing it.
Maintenance and Updates
We gather and study the responses from the users. We also incorporate changes and updates as and when they are required by feedback from users or as new technologies are developed.
In conclusion, the process of creating an Android application at Designveloper is detailed and covers all necessary steps to create a functional and accessible application.
What Technologies and Tools are Used in Android Software Development at Designveloper?
At Designveloper, we utilize a variety of technologies and tools in our Android software development process. Here’s a look at some of the key technologies and tools we use:
Programming Languages

- Java: Originally established as a fundamental element of Android development from its earliest days.
- Kotlin: Replaced Java as the primary language for Android development in 2017 because of the more concise syntactical structure and safer aspects.
- C++: For sections of the app that need high performance, for example, a game or any application that has a high usage of graphics.
- JavaScript (React Native) and Dart (Flutter): Other languages used for developing Android apps.
Development Tools
- Android Studio: The standard and arguably the best IDE for developing Android applications, which comes with an emulator for Android apps, a debugger, and compatibility with the Android Jetpack platform.
- IntelliJ IDEA: An IDE that was widely used in Android application development prior to the official IDE, which is Android Studio.
- Visual Studio Code (VSCode): Some developers use Java because of its versatility and expansiveness in Android application development.
Libraries and Frameworks
- Android Jetpack: Offers components and api to ease the development of android applications such as Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel, Room Persistence Library.
- Retrofit: A HTTP client library for Android and Java that facilitates interaction with RESTful APIs.
- Glide: A rich library for efficient image loading and displaying in Android application.
- Room: It makes the usage and management of SQLite databases easier.
- Jetpack Compose: A modern tool for developing user interfaces (UI) in Android with the aid of Kotlin.
- Firebase: Offers services like Realtime Database, Authentication, Cloud Messaging, and Analytics, thus easing the development and handling of apps.
Build and Project Management Tools
- Gradle: A powerful tool that helps in managing the building, testing, and deployment of Android apps.
- Maven: A tool used in the development of Android app that is a project management and build tool.
Automation and Deployment Tools
- Fastlane: Helps in creating and deploying iOS applications, with features for compiling, testing, and distributing.
- Jenkins: One of the most used tools for CI/CD used for automated build and deployment of applications.
- GitHub Actions: CI/CD tool that can be used directly with GitHub to automate the development pipeline.
- Firebase App Distribution: It also supports distribution of beta app to testers.
- Google Play Console: Platform used to develop, distribute and manage apps on Google’s application marketplace known as the Google Play Store.
In conclusion, the Android software development at Designveloper uses a number of technologies as well as tools to ensure the usability and efficiency of the apps being developed.
What are the Quality Assurance and Testing Methods in Android Software Development at Designveloper?
Below are some of the testing methodologies that are used in the Android software development process at Designveloper:
Unit Testing
For unit testing, we use JUnit, where testing is done on the lowest level of source code, including functions and methods. We also use Mockito together with JUnit to create mocks, so in effect, to be able to test some components without using actual objects.
Integration Testing
For integration testing, which entails testing Android components on a computer rather than a device, we employ Robolectric. This helps to reduce the time required to test as well as facilitating identification of integration level faults. The next method is integration testing, and we use Appium, an open-source automation testing tool, for this type of testing since it allows us to test UI interactions between app components.
Manual Testing
This is in a bid to test the functionalities of the app and this is done through manual testing. This entails operating the app and verifying its capabilities independently.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Firebase App Distribution is used to distribute the Android app to testers so that it can be tested on real devices. We also use JIRA and Trello, which are task and bug management tools, to track and report all the issues that are identified during the UAT phase. This involves gathering feedback from the end-users on the experience they have had as well as the challenges they faced while using Google Forms and Sheets.
In conclusion, the quality assurance and testing process at Designveloper is stringent, and its purpose is to provide high-quality user-oriented applications.
What are the Challenges and Solutions in Android Software Development at Designveloper?
Based on our experience with Android software development at Designveloper, there are several issues with which we have faced certain problems and difficulties. Here’s a look at some common challenges and how we’ve addressed them:Here’s a look at some common challenges and how we’ve addressed them:
Device Diversity
Android operates on a broad range of devices with different screen size, screen resolution, and Android versions. This makes it difficult to guarantee that the application works seamlessly on all of the devices.
Solution: We have Responsive Layouts which utilizes ConstraintLayout for designing interfaces that are flexible. We also check it on multiple devices, using services such as Firebase Test Lab to test the app on different devices and the versions of Android.
Version Compatibility

It is often challenging to design the app to work well on all the versions of Android, starting from the older versions to the current ones.
Solution: Currently, we use the Jetpack library (AndroidX) which has common components and enables backward compatibility, thus minimizing compatibility issues. We also run tests on different devices, employing tools such as Firebase Test Lab to test the application on different devices and Android releases.
Apps can be unresponsive, having high frame rates, or consume too many resources (CPU, RAM, battery), which is not good.
Solution: We enhance the efficiency of the UI thread, and we do not perform heavy operations on the thread to ensure the smooth running of the app. There are several ways to perform asynchronous mechanisms like AsyncTask, HandlerThread, Kotlin Coroutines, or RxJava. Another way is to use such utilities of Android Studio as Android Profiler that helps monitor CPU, memory, and network performance. We resize images and resources, using proper formats such as WebP or BPG, and loading images in the right dimensions whenever possible. When it comes to handling images, for example, we use libraries like Glide or Picasso in order to do so in the most effective manner.
To secure the application against the various security threats, user data must be protected.
Solution: We protect data using cryptographic methods and employing encryption libraries to achieve this objective. We safeguard the network request and the data transmitted by using HTTPs. We have mitigation measures such as SSL pinning to prevent scenarios like Man-in-the-Middle (MITM). Encryption is done using Secure Shared Preferences or Encrypted File APIs for storing secure files. In order to ensure that the app is not compromised, we scan for security threats and release updates that address these threats.
All in all, the process of Android software development at Designveloper is elaborate and aims to address problems and create effective and engaging apps.